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Covid-19 has three potential fallout scenarios by mid 2020 considering the present disaster management protocol in force; ‘low impact’ infecting 12 crore people; ‘medium impact’ infecting 18 crore people and ‘high impact’ infecting 25 crore people; each with commensurate numbers of hospitalizations and deaths. Nationwide lockdown for 21 days, and under certain extension(s), have brought economic activity to a standstill. Recessionary trend can be seen in overall slowdown on consumption (private & institutional), Investments (includes capital, additional funding and availability of working capital, banking sector issues etc) and slackening dynamics of trade & commerce. In recessions caused by trade & commerce slowdown alone resulting in fall in output indicators, there may be expected a ‘V’ shaped recovery (best case- 1 to 2 qtr, i.e. end of 2020.); there could be a case for ‘U’ shaped recovery given debt or financial sector meltdown though Indian domestic economy is well insulated from global trends (optimum case- 2 to 4 qtr. i.e. mid 2021) whereas a ‘L’ shaped recovery would be worst case scenario, well extended, where recession is impacted due to a large number of additional factors.

Though, there could be minimum to moderate impact across allsectors however MSMEs will be affected the most and at the earliest.MSMEs are the largest employer in India with ~114 Million employment spread across Trade (36%), Manufacturing (31%) and Other services (33%), which includes Private Security Industry (PSI). The geographical distribution of MSMEs is Rural (49%) and Urban (51%). With a workforce of over 89 lakh personnel managed by over 22,000 PSAs; the PSI is one of the largest employment providing servicewithin MSMEs in the country and one of the largest contributors to corporate and social security taxes (GST, PF, ESI, income tax etc.).This Service being manpower intensive and real time responsiveis extremely sensitive to market dynamics; structurally and operationally fragile in nature; in that the slightest deviation would spontaneously transfer the entire impact many fold to all the stakeholders of this Service. A major disruption may leave a lasting injury on the entire Sector.

While we arenow focusing on securing ourpopulation from health hazards and providing relief, especially to the poor, we also immediately need to think long-term to secure the health of our economy, the viability of our businesses, and the livelihoods of our people. The following consideration may help us find our New Normal post Covid-19.

  • Localization of service delivery against generalization of contractual designs.
  • Faster adoption of Digital medium
  • Move from credit business to Cash business.
  • Conserve available cash and monetize assets of possible.
  • Move towards variable cost models
  • Move towards greater Customer Value Proposition through customization

For the eternal optimist there’s always a rainbow at the end of a storm. A cursory study of the World’s most devastating financial crises this century, from the Great Depression of 1929–39 to the Financial Crisis of 2007–08 has proved thata resilient nation and a responsible society, has always come out strongly resurgent from such crisis however severely battered and bruised this pandemic may leave us with.A best-case projection indicates a delightful transformation of perception of the Private Security Industry from a plain vanilla physical guarding service to a new format‘Total Integrated Security Management’ platform delivering completely repackaged modern bundled end-to-end enterprise security solutions.

Ground Breaking Path Breaking News for India’s Private Security Industry !!!!   |   CISS Services Ltd emerges leader in ManTech   |   Acquires capability of deploying platforms leveraging IOT & IIOT Technologies   |   AI & ML driven Software sits on top of manual processes to benefit Clients manage Asset Risks based on hard data not feeling or hunches   |   Clients will now able to get digital incorruptible reports since all records are digitized using Blockchain Technology   |   CISS Services Ltd announces Strategic partnership with Quantal a risk management enterprise   |   CISS Services now is truly future ready organisation   |   CISS SERVICES LIMITED FORMERLY CENTRAL INVESTIGATION & SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED.   |   CISS represented by Dr RK Tyagi appointed as World Association of Detectives (WAD) Director and Asia Governor on 17 Sep 2022 | A moment of pride for India & CISS | CISS delegates visit RRU Rashtriya Raksha University to explore how to deepen professional relations   |   Come September (2022) !!! CISS inaugurates New Offices at Guindy (Chennai) and Kolkata | Our Address in Chennai | A-Super , No.19, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032 | Our Address is Kolkata | BF – 162 Salt Lake Sector -1 Bidhannagar Kolkata -7000064   |   CISS inaugurates New Office at Guindy ( Chennai) | Our Address in Chennai | A-Super , No.19, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032.   |   CISS declared as the Best Security Company for FY 21-22 in the manned guarding category by CAPSI   |   CISS Ltd initiates digital transformation (DT) as it crosses the 37 th year milestone   |   DT is a must and CISS wishes to promote Total Security Solutions   |   Manned Guarding now being taken to a whole level – by KPI based Patrols and electronic attendance Systems   |   June 2022 | CISS Expands Its Footprints into NER – Guwahati – Sikkim - Himachal Pradesh - Andaman and Nicobar Islands - Jammu and Kashmir   |   CISS holds PSARA Licenses for 29 Indian States   |   Delivers Reliable Services through network of 53 Offices   |   Over these 37 Years CISS has emerged as India’s one of the most Reliable – Dependable – Expert Private Security Service Provider   |   CISS Ltd where the ordinary achieve the extraordinary   |   Challenging work sites where CISS has recently deployed   |   Jaigarh Port - A remote work site built to international standards at Ratnagiri - L & T Shipyard Builders - Chennai - KEC Int’l Rail Electrification Projects in Rajasthan   |   Other important Pan India Deployments undertaken d - MSP Power & Steels Ltd, Odisha   |   Ashok Leyland EV Plant (Ennore Tamil Nadu) - Transrail Lighting Projects - Reliant Drilling Pvt Ltd Dariba (Rajasthan)   |   CISS has been the preferred service provider at Hospitals – UN Mehta Hospital (Ahmedabad) (300 Security Personnel) – Shalby Hospital - Jabalpur (MP) – Kokila Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute (Mumbai)   |   Renewable Energy Projects with Avaada, Sites in North India - TATA Solar Power Ltd, sites in Maharashtra   |