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Author: Ciss Admin

CISS / Articles posted by Ciss Admin (Page 3)

Genetec and HID survey reveals higher education institutions willing to upgrade their access control systems

While access control is a fundamental element of security in higher education, many aging access control systems urgently need to be upgraded. This is according to a survey of 1,800 higher education security and IT professionals conducted by Genetec Inc., a technology provider of unified security, public safety, operations, and business intelligence solutions, and HID Global, a worldwide provider of trusted identity solutions. While organisations are ready to embrace new technology, they are looking to go “beyond the door” and integrate with other security and operations systems.

CISS Ltd takes a lead playing it’s role in Nation Building.

Up-skilling and re-skilling youth of India is the uppermost task ahead of us. The twin issues of unemployment and non-availability of appropriately skilled human resource is haunting the nation. A joint initiative by SISPA, Raksha Shakti University , under aegis of Government of Gujarat and CISS Academy for Skill Human Development Pvt Ltd, a CISS Ltd group company, forging alliance to contribute its bit by empowering youth, to make them employable with requisite skills is indeed a laudable effort and a milestone in the history of Private Security Industry.


(To feel safe is everyone’s common concern) The purpose of our brain is to self-preserve by readapting. It scans our environment and no sooner we are exposed to any life threatening danger the default self-preserve mode (aka instincts) takes over eg. If a fire breaks out you will rush towards the exit or to the fire extinguisher immediately. This physiological response is termed as fight or flight. This amalgamation of responses to strenuous situations is known as the "fight-or-flight" reaction because it progressed as a survival mechanism, to react hurriedly to a grave life-consuming situation. On Neurosafety: When the brain detects a reward, it triggers an automated ENGAGE neural response that drives us towards that perceived reward and ultimately also enables us to function at our best (e.g. improved creativity, better judgment, enhanced memory, effective decision-making, better communication, etc.). * When our brain detects a THREAT the opposite happens as an automated DISENGAGE response is triggered. Our ability to solve problems, communicate, understand consequences, evaluate situations, control impulses, plan ahead, recall information and make decisions is severely impaired at a neurological level. * When in this 'fear-state', an individual’s ability to perform even simple routine actions – not to mention perform at their best when things go wrong – is disrupted as their brain tries to work its way through the perceived threat (inter-personal or environmental). This often causes them to behave in unsafe ways - taking shortcuts, hiding or lying about incidents, ignoring safety procedures and making unsafe decisions, especially when under pressure.​ * Since the past few months, we’ve been forced to see everyone we come in contact with as a possible source of infection. Our world took a 180 degree turn as we can’t go for a movie; go to the temple or malls as freely as before. We are living in a state of constant anxiety....


PRIVATE SECURITY INDUSTRY, INDIA The Indian Private Security Industry operates with over ~21,500 PSARA licensed Agencies clocking Rs. ~1.14 Lakh-Crores as current market size and spread across 36 states and UTs, has a surprisingly miniscule representation in Brand recall by a handful of leading PSAs, dominated mostly by foreign MNCs. There is hardly any strong indigenous brand dominance in India except a few, although there is no match to the global brands. The Indian private security industry having evolved over almost 4 decade therefore has undoubtedly not been able to get their act together at all. This is a burning issue that the Industry needs to address on war footing to realize our stated national mission of creating a $5 Trillion Indian economy where the Service sector contributes a lion’s share with the Private Security Industry being second largest manpower employer. Paradoxically, the big brands are still able to command their terms and price in a market generally perceived to be extremely un-regulated, un-ethical, price cannibalistic and profit mongering. One may therefor derive that the real professional standard Private Security Service transactions are actually confined to probably the top 7-8 industry players who control ~8-10% market share. These companies are highly diversified in service and form and are much Tech savvy who lead more with their advanced lines of businesses than their high visibility manned guarding. It is starkly opposite for the rest of 90-92% of market players who depend on low margin low delight plain vanilla manned guarding as their main stay. The discerning client expects administration of its security, safety, social wellness and environment aspects to be managed through a single window format adhering to the highest levels of compliances and service delivery by their outsourced service provider. These physical activities are intertwined and overlay as a common service domain, which...


Health, World Affairs / By adityapimple1 When the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19 began in China in December 2019-January 2020 and went on to spread around the world, Governments and Public Health authorities struggled to come to grips with this unknown virus. As the virus spread through Europe next, with Italy and Spain being the worst hit, Italy became the first Country in the World outside of China to announce a stringent lockdown of its citizen. 5 Months on, we have learnt much more about the virus than we did when the pandemic began, with the most reliable date coming out of Europe and the United States which have borne the worst of the pandemic. But what has also come to light are the extremely divergent views on the virus and the means of dealing with it, not dictated by the available scientific information, but by pre-existing biases focusing more on anecdotal instances than on actual numbers and science. The reality of the virus, and the manner in which it is to be dealt with, lies somewhere in the middle, between extreme paranoia or blatant and irresponsible carelessness. To understand Covid-19 virus properly, one needs to look no further than the Bergamo Province in the Lombardy Region of Italy, which was the first to be hit by the virus and resulted into the harrowing and scary images flashed on TV screens around the World showing the enormous humanitarian and economic damage that the virus could cause. An important factor for using this region as the best pool for analysing the virus is because it was the first to be hit, and the behaviour of the virus, for a long period was not stopped by timely and necessary preventive measures like physical distancing or masks till the time the localized lockdown in the...


“Security is a fundamental need of humanity hence security service is a recession free business. We shall overcome and survive all the tribulations of times”.   BACKGROUND In the 70’s when PSI (Private Security Industry) was in its nascent stage, PSAs (Private Security Agencies) could demand mobilization fee to the extent of one month’s cost of service, which was later amortized over a few months. Alternately some agencies insisted and did receive advance payments for their services. However, then the business format was rudimentary and compliances were not stringent. Over these five decades or so, Guarding services have transformed into a recognized Industry, complete with watchdog agency, legislations and regulatory framework, the Private Security Agency (Regulations) Act, 2005, (PSARA). The PSI is mentored by CAPSI (Central Association of Private Security Industry), which functions both ways; like a watchdog and like a representative interphase between the Industry and Governing bodies and the Government. To further the cause of skill development in the PSI under the ages of Skill India movement, the SSSDC was formed to set up NOS (National Occupational Standards) for the PSI and implement Skill training and certifications under the various schemes launched under NSDC. Open data sources indicate that the Indian PSI is today, app. INR 90,000 crores size business operated by 12,848 active PSARA licensed PSAs (Total PSARAs issues is 21,750 out of which 8904 PSARAs have expired), the largest employer in India employing app. 90 lakh security guards which includes 90% in unorganized segment. Globally, Security industry will touch app. $127 billion by 2021.   WHAT AILS PRIVATE SECURITY INDUSTRY IN INDIA This industry presently thrives on common minimum demand and supply fulfillment on price and value proposition hence prices are always under immense pressure as low satisfaction level is acceptable to the service takers. This defeats the aspiration and objects of all...


Covid-19 has three potential fallout scenarios by mid 2020 considering the present disaster management protocol in force; ‘low impact’ infecting 12 crore people; ‘medium impact’ infecting 18 crore people and ‘high impact’ infecting 25 crore people; each with commensurate numbers of hospitalizations and deaths. Nationwide lockdown for 21 days, and under certain extension(s), have brought economic activity to a standstill. Recessionary trend can be seen in overall slowdown on consumption (private & institutional), Investments (includes capital, additional funding and availability of working capital, banking sector issues etc) and slackening dynamics of trade & commerce. In recessions caused by trade & commerce slowdown alone resulting in fall in output indicators, there may be expected a ‘V’ shaped recovery (best case- 1 to 2 qtr, i.e. end of 2020.); there could be a case for ‘U’ shaped recovery given debt or financial sector meltdown though Indian domestic economy is well insulated from global trends (optimum case- 2 to 4 qtr. i.e. mid 2021) whereas a ‘L’ shaped recovery would be worst case scenario, well extended, where recession is impacted due to a large number of additional factors. Though, there could be minimum to moderate impact across allsectors however MSMEs will be affected the most and at the earliest.MSMEs are the largest employer in India with ~114 Million employment spread across Trade (36%), Manufacturing (31%) and Other services (33%), which includes Private Security Industry (PSI). The geographical distribution of MSMEs is Rural (49%) and Urban (51%). With a workforce of over 89 lakh personnel managed by over 22,000 PSAs; the PSI is one of the largest employment providing servicewithin MSMEs in the country and one of the largest contributors to corporate and social security taxes (GST, PF, ESI, income tax etc.).This Service being manpower intensive and real time responsiveis extremely sensitive to market dynamics;...

Ground Breaking Path Breaking News for India’s Private Security Industry !!!!   |   CISS Services Ltd emerges leader in ManTech   |   Acquires capability of deploying platforms leveraging IOT & IIOT Technologies   |   AI & ML driven Software sits on top of manual processes to benefit Clients manage Asset Risks based on hard data not feeling or hunches   |   Clients will now able to get digital incorruptible reports since all records are digitized using Blockchain Technology   |   CISS Services Ltd announces Strategic partnership with Quantal a risk management enterprise   |   CISS Services now is truly future ready organisation   |   CISS SERVICES LIMITED FORMERLY CENTRAL INVESTIGATION & SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED.   |   CISS represented by Dr RK Tyagi appointed as World Association of Detectives (WAD) Director and Asia Governor on 17 Sep 2022 | A moment of pride for India & CISS | CISS delegates visit RRU Rashtriya Raksha University to explore how to deepen professional relations   |   Come September (2022) !!! CISS inaugurates New Offices at Guindy (Chennai) and Kolkata | Our Address in Chennai | A-Super , No.19, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032 | Our Address is Kolkata | BF – 162 Salt Lake Sector -1 Bidhannagar Kolkata -7000064   |   CISS inaugurates New Office at Guindy ( Chennai) | Our Address in Chennai | A-Super , No.19, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032.   |   CISS declared as the Best Security Company for FY 21-22 in the manned guarding category by CAPSI   |   CISS Ltd initiates digital transformation (DT) as it crosses the 37 th year milestone   |   DT is a must and CISS wishes to promote Total Security Solutions   |   Manned Guarding now being taken to a whole level – by KPI based Patrols and electronic attendance Systems   |   June 2022 | CISS Expands Its Footprints into NER – Guwahati – Sikkim - Himachal Pradesh - Andaman and Nicobar Islands - Jammu and Kashmir   |   CISS holds PSARA Licenses for 29 Indian States   |   Delivers Reliable Services through network of 53 Offices   |   Over these 37 Years CISS has emerged as India’s one of the most Reliable – Dependable – Expert Private Security Service Provider   |   CISS Ltd where the ordinary achieve the extraordinary   |   Challenging work sites where CISS has recently deployed   |   Jaigarh Port - A remote work site built to international standards at Ratnagiri - L & T Shipyard Builders - Chennai - KEC Int’l Rail Electrification Projects in Rajasthan   |   Other important Pan India Deployments undertaken d - MSP Power & Steels Ltd, Odisha   |   Ashok Leyland EV Plant (Ennore Tamil Nadu) - Transrail Lighting Projects - Reliant Drilling Pvt Ltd Dariba (Rajasthan)   |   CISS has been the preferred service provider at Hospitals – UN Mehta Hospital (Ahmedabad) (300 Security Personnel) – Shalby Hospital - Jabalpur (MP) – Kokila Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute (Mumbai)   |   Renewable Energy Projects with Avaada, Sites in North India - TATA Solar Power Ltd, sites in Maharashtra   |